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Thursday, May 13, 2021

Ascension Thursday, unless it is being celebrated next Sunday

 I do not think the Ascension took place as depicted above, but the I am glad we celebrate this event as a special feast. It used to be Ascension Thursday, forty days after Easter. Now, it is celebrated on Sunday but I have fond memories of being at school and all of us going to the Chapel to pray just before noon. We sang "Beau Ciel" and I could imagine Jesus saying farewell as He slowly rose and vanished from the sight of the all who were there to hear His last words. Then a cloud hid Jesus. But Luke tells us in the Acts of the Apostles that Jesus had promised them the Holy Spirit, a wonderful parting gift.!

The truth is that Jesus is still present to us in so many ways. We are hosting the Blessed Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God in us and we are in God. But Jesus also thought of a way that He could be  present under the appearance of bread and wine. The consecration in the Mass makes Jesus really present and He waits for us in the Blessed Sacrament. We may not have been able to receive Jesus in Holy Communion during this Pandemic, but we can be sure that He is with us if we turn to Him with love and desire.

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