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Saturday, May 1, 2021

May is the Month of Mary and begins with the Feast of Joseph, the Worker


In the United States, May is the month of Mary. It is a beautiful month and always ends with a feast of Our Lady on the last day. This year, May 31 is also Memorial Day and so is a holiday. Perhaps we will be able to have an outdoor picnic by then since we are all vaccinated and the weather is usually good for outdoor noonday picnics. 

What shall we do to honor Mary especially during May? I am going to try to say a Hail Mary just before I close my eyes at night. And, since we say evening prayer together in Westwood every evening, I will concentrate on saying the Magnificat with greater devotion.

I love beginning the month of Mary honoring St. Joseph. I guess I am getting more work done today because I am aware of this Feast. This is helpful advice that is from the Little White Book for May 1:

"Between me and every decision, the should be a space in which I determine what Jesus is calling me to do rahter than what I think I should do." 

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