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Friday, May 14, 2021

One bread, One body

 One of my favorite memories is visiting the community in a very rural area in Chile. They lived in a house next to the Church and, as the village was very small, they baked the bread for the entire village.

We would all knead the dough the night before and put it to bed. One of the Sisters rose very early in the morning to finish the preparation to be able to bake the bread. What has caused me to be thinking of bread is the image from the Chapter of 2016 as the Society of the Sacred Heart being like bread. "Yeast is mixed with the other ingredients and transforms the whole dough through a hidden process of fermentation. Then it is necessary to knead the dough and to let it rest until it is ready to pass through the fire. Only after this time in the fire will the bread be ready to be offered."

Where are we in the process of becoming bread? Am I the yeast? Or the dough that needs to be kneaded? Then, am I resting to be able to rise and be baked? Am I baking now? Or perhaps I am now ready to be given and eaten up by others? And, what kind of bread am I? What kind of bread do I want to be? 

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