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Thursday, August 19, 2021

Sharing about my retreat

 It was a quiet, peaceful retreat. I was not sure what to take, but packed my copy of the Constitutions of the Society of the Sacred Heart, our formation booklet, the handouts from the Oakwood retreat two years ago, and my Journal. I used all of the above so the Holy Spirit inspired the packing. I also had the idea that it would be good to spend a day on each of my six Goals just to talk to God about each and how God sees me living them out in my daily life and what I might need to change or pay more attention to now that I have had these same Goals for more than six years and have adjusted them to fit my life here at Oakwood.

My first Goal, and the one I consider the most important, is "To give priority to the interior life" and I must say that our isolation has probably helped me with this Goal but I also see that I spend more time on my I-pad playing Words with Friends or reading British mysteries.

My second Goal is to give Joy to Jesus and to others. This one is special for me as I have been called to live in joy and give joy to others and I am happy when I can do this.

More tomorrow.

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