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Monday, June 6, 2022

Joy brings God near

 I took this picture of one of the coolest spots on the school campus. It is next to the main building and some of our Religious used to have spiritual reading together here. There is always an atmosphere of peace. 

I am still finding inspiration in Mother Stuart. She talks about the responsibility we have to use the gifts that God gives us. 

Here is a quote I love: "The special grace of spiritual joy is that it tends to diffuse itself; disposition of soul are easily communicated. The most blessed thing is to be an active element of jouy. Joy brings God Himself near." That is a special quote for me as I really do believe that God wants us to live in joy. His joy exists always. Yes, we have much to mourn at this time: war, children being killed, sickness, the many refugees forced to leave their countries, etc., but God is all powerful and all-loving and if we realize that He loves each of us, we will experience the joy of knowing that "All shall be well, and all shall be well..." as Julian of Norwich said.

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