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Monday, September 26, 2011

Joy makes a great difference in spiritual life

Mother Stuart wrote to a friend: "Your letter gave me so much pleasure that I must write a line at one to thank you for it. You know what pleased me so much? The warmer and more intimate terms with Our Lord, the increase of pleasure in being before the Blessed Sacrament, 'the one mighty joy of those who have sorrow, till He comes.' It makes a great difference in spiritual life when joy is there, and it delights me too to find that you are beginning to understand how homely duties can be transformed in His service."

Joy is the star of my life so, of course, I love the many references I find to joy in Mother Stuart's writings. I know by experience that I am meant to live in joy and give joy to others.

And then there is this consoling word to the same person, or I at least think of it as consoling:
"Was it very heartless of me to laugh when I read your letter and your account of your spiritual shortcomings? If you went bounding along from victory to victory I should be far more unhappy about you; for humility is cheap at any price, and a few failures in trying to reach our ideal are the shortest way to humility."

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