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Friday, March 30, 2012

Approaching Holy Week

Yesterday in my faith-sharing group of four (three men and myself) we followed our usual pattern of conversation, centering prayer, and then reading and sharing on the Sunday Gospel. Since this coming Sunday is Palm Sunday, the Gospel is the entire Passion account from Mark and we read it in four parts. I must say it was a really powerful experience and very moving. I think we were all caught up in the last days of Jesus with all that He went through before His death and resurrection. I am always struck by the line that says "Then all left Him and fled" -

Here is something from the Constitutions of the Society of the Sacred Heart that really sums up our mission and perhaps it is really the mission of all of us. It is from the section on our Service in the Church:


We are sent by the Church
to communicate the love of the Heart of Jesus.
In Him all find their true growth as persons
and the way towards reconciliation with one another.
This we believe; this we want to proclaim.

We are sent by the Church
to communicate the love of the Heart of Jesus.

We are all called to communicate the love of the Heart of Jesus.
Let us give His love to all today!

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