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Friday, April 11, 2014

Approaching Holy Week

The Pope has begun speaking about the Holy Spirit and the seven gifts of the Spirit in his Wednesday audience talks. He begins with the gift of wisdom and, although I do not have those words in front of me, I was impressed by the idea that we must ask to be "wise" - to see at God sees, to hear as God hears, and to feel as God feels.

He suggests that we ask the Holy Spirit to be with us as we enter into Holy Week. This Sunday is Palm Sunday; we often have a procession to enter the church after the blessing of the palms. This  is to remind us of how Jesus entered Jerusalem just a few days before his death. The people were happy to see Him but some may have also been in the crowd that called out "Crucify him!" on Good Friday. On Wednesday, Judas will betray Jesus; on Holy Thursday, we have Jesus washing the feet of his disciples before giving them Himself in the Eucharist. Then Jesus prays to His Father before going out to the Garden where He goes through a very human struggle to accept the suffering and death that awaits Him, but His prayer is always "Thy Will be done." I find the prayer in the garden 
the place where I stay often during Holy Week. Jesus felt alone; his 
disciples slept while He prayed. Then, after the really difficult prayer, Jesus is at peace and we do not see that same anguish as He goes forth to be mocked, scourged, and crucified. Now His thoughts turn to others - He forgives the very ones who are nailing Him to the cross!

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