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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Holy Saturday

We spend this day waiting and pondering with Mary what these last days have been for her and for us. I keep thinking of what the Holy Father asked of us: Who am I? Where is my heart? What do I want to say to Jesus at this moment in my life?

What would the world be like if I did not believe in the Resurrection? I find this day of waiting for the Easter vigil to be a time of deep silence as well as some deep thinking. I so often take things for granted!

I must say that my gratitude Journal has had full pages. I am so grateful for my life, the world I live in, my vocation to the Society of the Sacred Heart, my family, education, health, missionary years in Chile, etc. Each day I have some special marks of His Love to thank for and I do think that when we are grateful we are also joyful. I wish you the joy of the Risen Jesus!

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