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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

He is Risen!

What a wonderful belief we have! Jesus rose from the dead and is with us forever with His glorified body showing His wounds as proof of His love for each of us. Because I believe that Jesus is risen, I also believe that one day I will be with Him forever in heaven. He is our Savior and all of us are called to further the reign of God on earth and to be with Him forever in eternal joy!

Now, I am to be the hands and feet and heart of Jesus on earth. He looks to us to reach out to others who need us. We have His Love and grace and we feel that nothing is impossible because the Risen Jesus is with each of us. Let us go forth and spread the Good News and give His Love to each one we contact today!
We are Easter people! Let us rejoice!!! Alleluia, Alleluia!

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