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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Let us Pray for our Country

We keep hearing about the ice storms that have been moving through the Midwest going East, but I have had very little information except what I have heard from others who watch the television programs. I feel for the people who may be suffering; just coming back after retreat and finding that we were without heat and hot water made me so grateful for California weather and I have the gift of a small heater in my room now. They take such good care of us. The gas leak was fixed the day after I came home so that was a blessing.
This week we are all counting our blessings and realizing how much Obama has done during these past eight years. We are also praying much for the transition that will be taking place this week. If all would work for the common good, America would be great!
We need to pray for all our elected officials. I have signed many of the petitions that are asking us to take part in the whole confirmation process of a new cabinet, etc. I mostly am praying as God can make America great by changing hearts.

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