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Monday, September 10, 2018

The Call to Holiness

Today, I have the first session with my Spirituality Group of Mothers of Sacred Heart children; I began the group as a follow-up to the Busy Persons' Retreat; last year we did different kinds of prayer each month and then sharing; the year before it was mostly Centering Prayer and then Lectio Divina on the next Sunday's Gospel and sharing. This year, I am going to begin with the first Chapter of Gaudete et Exsultatae; it is a call to holiness for all of us.

I still have a few quotes to share. This is one I copied in my journal so I can, and do, go back to in order to remind myself that I need an open mind and discerning heart:
"These days life in God is one of journey for me. There is neither clear path nor exact destination, for daily choices and steps determine the way.The gifts of the Spirit provide light and grace of God is sustenance. I pray for an open mind, a discerning spirit, and a loving heart, for the days ahead. Who knows what lies before us and what is yet to come!"
Ellen Deuwer, "Praying in These Emerging Times: A Reflection Journal" - LCWR Publication

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