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Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Advocation for Structural and Systemic Change

Today we take up the last section of the second imperative of  "Transforming and Being Transformed: Advocacy that begins with soul-searching honesty." To do this work we need to collaborate with one another as well as with groups that share the same vision and hope for justice, peace, and integrity of creation. The call to be "artisans of hope is, in itself, a call to collaboration and collective action that promotes human dignity and weaves a new social fabric.

Being and acting together as One Body will enliven our power to effect transformation of unjust structures and systems.
While our spirituality has always been relational. it is precisely at this moment in our collective history that we are more sensitive to the potential of interrelationships... We are convinced that our unity and spirit of Cor Unum give us greater hope, energy and creativity to transform unjust structures."

Where do we see possibilities for transformation in our personal lives, in community, in our apostolic engagements?

How do I experience myself/us as an "artisan of hope"?

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