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Friday, September 13, 2019

Washing One Another's Feet

This section is an invitation to critically reflect on JPIC and our relationships of power. I will only give a few of the passages that have struck me. Power does play an important part in our life and mission. "Power, without justice, is destructive and death-dealing. Power, when exercised without mutuality and reciprocity, becomes a tool of domination and oppression. Power, without concern for peace and unmindful of the integrity of creation, is cruel and violent, and is harmful to both victims and perpetrators of violence."

At the same time, we have been witness to the "healing capacity and redemptive value of power, especially when it is put at the service of reconciliation and love."

Tomorrow we will see how power is available to us and how we need to harness power and put it at the service of mission and the common good.

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