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Sunday, April 19, 2020

Divine Mercy Sunday

Jesus want to be with us. I often imagine what I would say to Jesus if He knocked on the door of my room. I would be full of joy and invite Him in to sit in my comfortable armchair. But then, I am not sure how the visit would proceed. Would I just sit in silence and feel His Love pouring into me? I think that is what I mostly do during my afternoon prayer in the Chapel. I know Jesus is with me, in me and I in Him so words are not needed.
I am not meditating today so much on the Liturgy for this Sunday as to the mystery of God's mercy. And that brings to mind the poem of Jessica Powers on the Mercy of God, entitled "The Garments of God" - I will quote just the first lines:
"God sits on a chair of darkness in my soul.
He is God alone, supreme in His majesty.
I sit at His feet, a child in the dark beside Him;
my joy is aware of His glance and my sorrow is tempted
to nest on the thought that His face is turned from me.
He is clothed in the robes of His mercy, voluminous garments--
not velvet or silk and affable to the touch,
but fabric strong for a frantic hand to clutch,
and I hold it fast with the fingers of my will."

And the last line is "here in the dark I clutch the garments of God."

I guess that is what most of us are doing during this time!

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