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Thursday, February 24, 2022

Just Pray

 Sometimes people spend time telling me why they are not praying: no time, it seems that God is not present, they do not see any results, etc. The thing is that pray is always possible. You do not need to feel God's presence. Just start talking to God and see what happens. Sometimes, after you have been talking, you need to be silent and listen. God responds in different ways, but remember that His first language is silence!

Matthew Kelly says that we need to begin the conversation with God. Ask God what He wants. Now that I am 90 years old, I know that God just wants to love me. I just sit there and let Him love me. Of course, that means that I am open to His love and not off daydreaming or planning what I need to do after prayer, etc. Just be there and let God love you!

Today is my sister's birthday.

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