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Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Reading the Bible is a Grace

The one Lenten Resolution I seem to be keeping is that of spending some time each day reading the Bible. I was told long ago that one should spend time reading both the Old and the New Testament each day. I love John's Gospel and so have been slowly doing a prayerful reading of it. Some days I go beck over what I have read the day before, but that deepens my experience of trying to enter into what the author is saying and to live it. Now, on Sunday, I heard in the homily that there is a tradition or maybe just a school of thought that speaks of the devil as helping God by tempting us. I really had not heard this before and so asked the Jesuit who gave the homily about it and he said read Job. I do know that the devil is allowed to tempt Job, and I guess that I am still mulling over this and what it might mean for our lives now. I guess I need to read Job again.

I hope you all are persevering with whatever you decided to do for Lent. Do not give up. Remember that if it is the resolution you need, you probably have broken it by now! That proves that it is a good resolution for you to take so keep trying. 

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