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Wednesday, October 5, 2022

My dialogue with the boat

 After my Guided Imagery began with me in a boat and Jesus came and sat with me, I thought I would have a conversation with the boat as I seem to often meet Jesus in a boat or I am out at sea by myself...

Me: Good morning, Boat.

Boat: Good morning, but come get in and let's go.

Me: Where are we going? 

Boat: Don't know. I'm not the Captain.

Me: How do you know when to pick me up?

Boat: That's easy. You need to get away when you are tense or too busy to see what is importat or when you begin to feel impatient, have critical thoughts, or just lose some of your joy.

Me: Oh, thank you. I do need to get away and relax and sometimes we just do that.

Boat: Yes, and sometimes the Captain joins us and that gives you deep peace and joy, even when you just sit in silence.

Me: Will Jesus join us today? Your Captain is Jesus, I think.

Boat: Yes, I just call Him my Captain. I do not know if He will come - I rather think that depends on you.

Me: What do you mean? I don't even know when you will show up.

Boat: Well, He is really always present, but is inclined to show Himself only when there is great desire for Him or urgent need of His bodily presence.

Me: I still do not know who you are! Have you a name besides "Boat"?

Boat: Oh, Helen, I am your Guardian Angel. I just appear as a boat now that you need me in these final years when you have the time to come apart and rest awhile.

Me: Wow! This is October 2nd, the Feast of the Guardian Angels and you are here with me. It is also my mother's birthday and I am sure she is listening to our conversation from heaven.

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