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Sunday, October 23, 2022

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

 The entrance antiphon is "Let the hearts that seek the Lord rejoice; turn to the Lord and his strength; constantly seek his face."

In the Collect we ask God to increase our faith, hope, and charity, and make us love what God commands.

The first reading is from the Book of Sirach 35:12-14, 15-18 in which we are told that "the prayer of the lowly pierces the clouds; it does not rest till it reaches its goal, nor will it withdraw till the Most High responds, judges justly and affirms the right, and the Lord will not delay."

Responsorial Psalm is "The Lord hears the cry of the poor."

The second reading is from Paul's second Letter to Timothy 4: 6-8, 16-18

The Gospel is Luke 18:9-14 and worth praying over as we need the humility of the publican.

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