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Thursday, November 3, 2022

California needs more rain

 On the Feast of All Saints, we had some rain and are praying for a great deal more to end the draught. This is a beautiful state with gorgous trees that are hunderds of years old; they are threatened because of the lack of rain. Farmers are not planting as many crops now because of the lack of water. This means that food prices will increase and California is paying more for everything with the inflation. My student had to put over $80 for gas; another had to pay $100 to fill her car. I feel for our staff who need to drive to and from work as it is too expensive to live around us or even near. Rain will help and so will snow. 

I even read that the mighty Mississippi has become too shallow for many boats! And yet, so many do not realize or seem to realize the harm we are doing to our planet. 

Tomorrow I will be more cheerful and introduce you to a new book I have just received.

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