Our expanding universe gives us a feeling of awe.
Tonight we have our Reflection group. I began this group about fourteen years ago. Although few are left of the original group, there are usually about a dozen or more of us who gather in my community for dinner, prayer, and sharing of our reflections on the chosen book. We always have more women than men, but it helps to have a mixed group. We are finishing Albert Nolan's recent book, Jesus Today: A Spirituality of Radical Freedom.
Nolan says that "the immediate result of attempting to live Jesus' spirituality today is freedom."
The basis of radical freedom is trust. We become free as we "gradually learn to appreciate God's love for us, which leads us to surrender ourselves and to put all our trust in God."
One of my favorite ejaculations is "Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in You!" We used to sing this as a theme song for the entire school at Clifton (a Sacred Heart school where I taught for almost five years before going to Rome for final Profession and then to Chile). Here is what we sang with the children: "Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in Thee; Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I believe in Thy love for me; Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, may Thy Kingdom come!" It has stayed with me ever since and I keep singing it in my heart or even aloud in my car. Try it! It is really powerful. May it lead us to the radical freedom of the spirituality of Jesus!
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