This morning I want to share a thought from Macrina Wiederkehr's Seven Sacred Pauses: Living Mindfully Through the Hours of the Day.
Speaking of dawn as a most gracious gift, Macrina admits that she does not always rise at dawn and watch for God, nor does she consistently awaken with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving. There are times "when the wings of my heart remain folded; yet prayer still happens in me. There are mornings when I simply sit in silence trying to remember some of the things that need to rise in me: a tolerance for those who don't agree with me, a refusal to judge others, a willingness to forgive, greater effort to live with a non-violent heart, loving thoughts toward those who don't exactly dote on me, a calm and hopeful spirit in the midst of my anxieties, discipline in my daily personal prayer, attention and faithfulness in my daily work, a holy anger for injustice in our world. As I remember these necessary risings in my life, the wings of my heart slowly begin to unfold. All Praise to You, Giver of the Morning!"
I hope Macrina does not mind me quoting her here, but I think we all need to let these things rise in us. Let us strive for a new dawn in our own lives this June.
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