Today is the feast of St. Aloysius Gonzaga who lived from 1558-1591. He was a prince in Lombardy but joined the Jesuits at seventeen. He wanted to go on the foreign missions but a plague broke out and he offered to serve the sick and dying in a hospital. He caught the plague and was dead within three months. Canonized in 1726, he is the patron saint of youth. May he help young people today to find their vocation and follow Christ in whatever state of life Jesus is calling them. I do believe that Jesus still calls many to religious life but perhaps they are not listening; our world lacks silence!
In today's Gospel, Jesus tells us "do not worry!" He says that we should not worry about our life or what we will eat or drink, or about our bodies and what we will wear. Then he says, "O you of little faith...seek first the Kingdom of God...do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself."
Why do we worry? We have a Father who loves us and can do anything. We need to trust God. He will never abandon us.
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