Today we celebrate Barnabas whose name was changed by the apostles from Joseph to Barnabas, son of encouragement. Many years ago in Chile someone told me that I was a "Barnabas" because I was a source of encouragement for all; I have never forgotten that and it has helped me, especially when in administrative positions. We all need to encourage one another. Let us look for ways to do this today and so honor Barnabas who went and got Paul and helped preach the Gospel to the Gentiles along with Paul.
It is good to be home and I am sorry that I could not write the last few days in St. Louis. We had a great alumni celebration on Saturday. It was a good week for me as I was able to see most of my friends and enjoyed being in two different communities of RSCJs where, of course, I am always made to feel at home.
I found this quote when reading John Maine and thought it one that I want to share with you today:
"Any of us can wander off on diversions, into distractions, triviality, and self-importance. The great power of liberty and confidence that permeates our life, however, is that we do have a way back to the straight way, to simplicity and othercenterlines. Our way back is simply the love of Jesus that is always present to us, in our own heart, not as something we have either to earn or conjure up--but as something that simply is and is so simply that it underpins and surrounds us in the root of our being. It lives us into being and cannot leave us until we have freely accepted the gift of being it bestows."
Now that is an encouraging quote and worthy of a St. Barnabas!!
John Maine perhaps invented the word "othercenterlines".
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