Elizabeth Ruth Obbard has written a beautiful book called Through Julian's Windows: Growing Into Wholeness with Julian of Norwich (Canterbury Press, 2008)
Julian asked for three wounds: true contrition, natural compassion, and unshakable longing for God. There were three windows in her cell - one represents adoration and love for God, one the service of others by compassion, and the third recognized her own limitations and need of support. Obbard shows how each window links to one of the wounds Julian had prayed for and received from the Lord.
At the end of each section of this book, there is a "Space to Reflect" which offers some quotations for reflection and prayer from Scripture and from some of the saints and mystics. It is a book to savor, to pray over, not just read. Elizabeth Obbard lives as a "solitary" herself and understands Julian as a "woman of yesterday for today".
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