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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I cannot dance, O Lord, unless you lead me...

Mechtild of Magdeburg who was a 13th century mystic, one of the great mystics that were found in the Convent of Helfta. Mechtild wrote some poetry that has been translated into English and I have been reading her off and on this month and think the time has come to share a bit - the book I am using is "Women in Praise of the Sacred: 43 Centuries of Spiritual Poetry by Women", edited by Jane Hirshfield. It was published in 1994. Here is what I want to share today:
I cannot dance, O Lord,
Unless You lead me.
If you wish me to leap joyfully,
Let me see You dance and sing-

Then I will leap into Love-
And from Love into Knowledge,
And from Knowledge into the Harvest,
That sweetest Fruit beyond human sense.

There I will stay with You, whirling.

I am not a poet but love poetry. I especially like the "I cannot dance, O Lord, unless you lead me" and then the idea of leaping joyfully because it is the Lord's wish...

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