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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Preparing for the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ

Tomorrow is the Sunday that we now celebrate the gift of the Eucharist and the tremendous mystery of God's continued presence in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. I remember my father being in the first bench of the Church during Mass on Easter with my two little brothers looking angelic in white suits and well-combed hair. I was in a pew further back with my friends that Easter morning but could hear my brother John who was probably three years old that Easter asking my Dad how Jesus could possible live there as the door was too small for Him to enter.
Anyway, tomorrow's Feast is one where we need to adore, thank, and reverence the Presence of the Lord who has made Himself so accessible and so much a part of our daily lives. He loves us and waits for us.
Next Friday is the Feast of the Sacred Heart and we just had a wonderful letter from our Mother General to help us prepare for it. She brought out the fact that Jesus loves us and is always saying to us, "Come to Me..." We are asked to be so immersed in His Love that we give His love to all.
May the Holy Spirit inspire us to prepare well for both of these feasts; we need the Spirit to transform us so that we may love as Jesus loves.

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