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Saturday, September 17, 2011

More wisdom from Mother Stuart

"In prayer it is often the very best just to leave yourself face to face with God without saying anything."

"Don't make the mistake which many make of thinking that intimate union with God in prayer comes as a gift to those that are worthy of it. 'The Spirit breatheth where He will.' Perhaps He gives it, not because you are worthy, but to make you so. Anyhow, persist in prayer in spite of all disinclination, not violently, but patiently and silently and even dumbly. Don't seek to be contented with your efforts or to be assured within that all is well, balance yourself on the tremulous outer edge of hope, over the abyss, trembling sometimes but self-surrendered to God's loving care."

I guess I am hoping to have some comments to know if my quotes from Mother Stuart are as helpful to others as they are to me. I did rather decide to devote the blog to her for this month of September, but would like to know if others find the quotes I am selecting worth thinking about now in your own lives...I do, but I seem to find that many things from many authors at this point in my life give me much to reflect upon. In October I will be sharing some of the spiritual books that I am reading and I know others will enjoy and find fruitful.


Smiley :) said...


I, for one, really appreciate the quotes from Mother Stuart. I'd never known as much about her as I'd liked, probably because she often goes overlooked. I'm really enjoying learning more about her and reading her little bits of wisdom. :)

Helen said...

Thank you, Smiley, I am glad you are learning to love Mother Stuart. Thank you for taking the time to tell me so.
Love and prayer, Helen

mary camilleri said...

I have just read all the extracts and as I have been having a dry period spiritually they were just what I needed. Thank you