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Monday, September 15, 2014

Autumn Thoughts

Are the trees turning into autumn colors where you live? It is still summer here, but I have been having autumn thoughts. When we let go and fall freely from a tree, we die but are soon raked into a pile with other leaves, some are close relatives from my own tree, others are neighbors that I might not have known until we were swept together and piled up to make a bonfire. Soon I shall be consumed and a new life awaits me. How do I feel about that?

Now these may seem to be fantasy thoughts, but there is always a truth behind what my imagination invents.

I just read this is the latest "Friends of Silence" bulletin that just came:

"The rooting (of trees, of ourselves) is as important and as necessary as the rising. We have the opportunity to sink roots into soul and rise up with branches in heaven...
Our spiritual growth is meant to go in both directions, toward the fertile darkness and the glorious light, each of us having the opportunity to bridge earth and heaven--the underworld and the upperworld--through the trunks of our middleworld lives...
There's no conflict between spirit-cantered being and soulful doing, between transcendence and inscendence. Each supports and enhances the other. Like Rilke, we discover we can have both:
You see, I want a lot
Maybe I want it all;
The darkness of each endless fall,
The shimmering light of each ascent."

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