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Monday, October 2, 2017

Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels

I have always had devotion to my Guardian Angel. In speaking of this with others, I found that some have prayed every day to their guardian angels; others have been very conscious of the presence of their angels. I am just so grateful to my angel who has been watching over me all these years and keeping me from harm. My angel has protected me, enlightened me, and told the Holy Spirit when I needed to be nudged or maybe pushed.
Let us thank God for the gift of the angels and let us be more grateful to our own angel and more conscious of the constant help we receive from our guardian angel. 

Pam, an RSCJ here at Oakwood writes a "Musing" each day and allows me to quote her. Here is what she wrote on the Gospel of Sunday:

"Please, would you gather the grapes?"
My  instinctive response was "no"
because I had other plans.
...but, on second thought,I realized
I just didn't want to do it!
lazy? selfish? bad mood?
So I changed my mind, my answer
and did what was asked.
Life is like that!
I just don't want to be bothered-
just curl up in selfishness...
then I realized "why not?"-
and changed my answer!
The grapes were pretty sweet!

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