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Saturday, April 16, 2022

Holy Saturday

 How did Mary spend this day? She had held her dead Son in her arms and helped prepare His bloody and torn body after He was taken down from the cross. She left her dead Son in the tomb and must have been grieving for she was present until the Heart of Jesus was pierced, and blood and water flowed out. Mary must have spent the next day in deep mourning. We spend it also in mourning for all those who have died, are dying, and will die from war, sickness, drugs, and random gun fire. Our world needs a Savior and we wait for the Risen Christ to come to be with us in a world so in need of peace and justice.

Let us take time to talk to Mary today. Let us ask her intercession to end the way. Let us ask her to be with the millions of refugees all over the world, to comfort them. Let us ask Mary to help the children who have been separated from their families, for those who have been forced into prostitution. 

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