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Friday, April 9, 2010

Spring Fever

Spring Fever can mean different things to different people at different times. The youth that come to Miami on Spring Break think it means beach parties and fun; for some people it means a huge amount of spring cleaning; for others it means the desire to sit in the sun and do nothing. I am finding myself in that last category and so my blog wants each to enjoy the fact that the winter is finally over and gone and we are seeing new signs of life all around us. In Miami, the new leaves just push the old ones off so many of our trees are always green.

Spiritually, Spring fever is good; we need to take time to enjoy the Easter season; we also need to clean out the cobwebs and shine up our souls, shake out the dust that may have accumulated; most of all, we need to sit in the sun and do nothing so that God may act in us. We are too busy and too talkative so let us relax and keep silence as we enjoy God's weather.

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