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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Finally, all the candles are lit and we know that Christmas is very near; this year we have only a day of the fourth week of Advent and then it is Christmas! Actually, tomorrow is Christmas eve. Some of you may not have time to be looking at blogs in the next few days so I will make mine very short!
I was looking at something to use for our "veilee" prayer tonight (we have a long tradition in Society of the Sacred Heart of having a special "Veilee" on Christmas eve before preparing for Midnight Mass). Now, in the Miami area, we have begun to celebrate this "Veilee" on December 23 as that was a day all could come and we moved it up so now we have dinner and then the "Veilee prayer where we sit around and share with the Christmas candles all lit, the tree, Christmas carols, and maybe some cookies as one of my community is baking cookies today, I think. 
This leaves my own community free to sit in quiet prayer tomorrow night and just listen to Christmas music.
I cannot copy all I will be sharing tonight but I found a great chapter in Morton Kelsey's "The Drama of Christmas: Letting Christ into Our Lives"; the chapter title is "Cosmic Tentacles of Brilliance" and includes all the Christmas songs with angels - an impressive number and all the angels are rejoicing with the birth of Jesus and telling us to do the same.
Here is where the idea of angels as "tentacles of brilliance" may have come from: (it is by Caryl Porter)

Looking Toward Christmas

Advent again,
 and the very stones are silent.

In the east, no star;
only shadows
and the threat of darkness.
We have run out of light, 
and we wait in fear.

from the cosmic distance,
tentacles of brilliance probe,
seek us out, look for a dwelling place
among us.

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