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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Second Week of Advent and Making room in our hearts

I just received a card from Our Mother General and I am so touched by her thoughtfulness! She sent it because the 15 of December, this Saturday, is the Diamond Jubilee of my first vows. Now, it is strange to think that years ago we celebrated Diamond Jubilees with great pomp and now I am just hoping to have a Mass here in community with some of the campus ministers. We shall see what I can manage but  I just felt so good about hearing from our Mother General that I had to share this with you. I am spending this week in a spiritual preparation for the day. I began with some real house-cleaning in my room as I needed to dust and put books in order.

Enclosed in the note from our Mother General is this beautiful quote from Pedro Arrupe, SJ:

"Now more than ever,
I find myself in the hands of God.
This is what I have wanted all my life,
from my youth.
And this is still what I want.
But now there is a difference;
the initiative is entirely with God.
It is indeed a profound spiritual experience
to know and feel myself
so totally inthe hands of this God
who has taken hold of me."

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