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Friday, December 14, 2012

I took this from Sister Juliet's blog which is listed on the side of mine:

"I'll wait with you." "Isn't that what prayer is, too?  To pray is to be present to God, who is always present to us.  That's what we're doing in this season of Advent:  preparing for Christ's coming by being present to the God within, by making space in our lives for Jesus to be born in us every day.   We wait for his coming.

The good news is, we do not wait in vain."

I hope you read her whole blog - she posted yesterday and it is on waiting with hope and I would add joy.
Perhaps because I am concentrating on the joys of each day, I see Advent as a time of joyful expectation.
Yes, there are many things wrong in me and in the world, but Jesus is coming and He is Prince of Peace. 
I am looking back over my sixty years from my first Vows made to serve God in the Society of the Sacred Heart and I am finding so much to rejoice in and thank for that I seem to be overflowing in gratitude and joy. 
I think God wants us to be joyful in Advent so please do not let the rush and stress of Christmas preparations take away our joyful expectation. I think it helps to sit quietly and reflect what is the real meaning of Christmas. The cards and gifts are to express our love for friends and they are important, but we do this at Christmas because the Infant Jesus came to teach us to love one another as He loves us - take time to be with Him today! 

1 comment:

Sister Juliet, RSCJ said...

Thank you, Helen! You always bring joy to me!