I arrived energized by the sharing of both all the RSCJs who attended the meeting and our Associates. It was great to see so many friends from all over; it was even better to hear how God has been working in each one during the past year. It really gives me energy to hear all the good things we are doing to reveal God's love to others in so many different ways.
We spent most of Saturday sharing, but did have time to hear from two of our Provincial Team who had come for another meeting,but had to leave on Saturday night. On Sunday we heard more about the work that is being done to further the merger of our Province with Canada. It makes me want to go back and study more Canadian history. I also heard more about the fact that the Bishops of the United States want to feature a different American Saint on their website each month. Philippine Duchesne will be the Saint for February and so I will be sure to remind you with a link before then as I love her and she has been one of the few Saints that I really have prayed to for many years. I was thirteen when I entered high school at the Academy of the Sacred Heart as a weekly border. I had the best of two worlds: home three nights and at school four nights and I loved that, but the first year we were to come in on Sunday evening and I missed my family. I started going to the Shrine in front of the school where Philippine Duchesne was buried. She died in 1852 and was declared "Blessed" by the Church in 1940. We knew her as "Mother" Duchesne and I prayed to her daily. My prayer sometimes was to tell her that since she had founded this school in 1818, now I counted on her help.
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