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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Tomorrow is the Feast of St. John Bosco

I did not have devotion to many saints when I was in grade school, but the summer after my seventh grade I went to a Catholic camp for girls that was called Camp Don Bosco. I think that must have been the beginning of my love of this saint who wanted to help children. Then, I was given a holy card with his picture and a tiny relic fixed in the card, or so I seem to remember as I kept it in my missal until I entered the Society of the Sacred Heart. I just always feel that I am with a friend from my childhood every January 31!
Here is a great quote taken from our Constitutions and sent to me today:

“Our union and conformity with the Heart of Jesus
widens our capacity to love and to let ourselves be loved.
It is from Him that we learn
to look upon the world as the work of the Creator’s love,
to love without being possessive,
to be concerned for others
and to be bearers of His life.
In a world where so often love is exploited and devalued,
and many relationships are scarred by deep wounds,
we seek to reveal the strength and tenderness of Jesus’ love for each one.”

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