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Monday, May 20, 2013

Pentecost Monday

"Following in the Footsteps of Jesus" by Jose Pagola has meditations for the Sunday Gospels and I love the one for Pentecost and will probably be sharing bits of it with you this week. He begins with "Come Holy Spirit,.." and asks the Spirit to infuse in us the inspiration and power of Jesus. He tells the Holy Spirit that "without your promptings and grace we will not succeed in believing in Jesus; we will not have the courage to follow his footsteps; the church will not be renewed; our hope will die out. So come and create in us the life-giving spirit of Jesus."
I am reading Pagola's "Jesus: An Historical Approximation:" for the second time and still urging all my friends to read it. We chose it for our Reflection Group to read next year. I find it is a book that leads me into a deeper relationship with Jesus and I need to stop and pray when reading this book. I think Pagola, a Spanish priest, has a real passion for Jesus. He also asks in the meditation for Pentecost for the Holy Spirit to come and remind us of the inspiring message Jesus gave us and to teach us to listen only to Jesus.
It is only with the Holy Spirit that we can proclaim the good news of the Gospel!
Pope Francis gives us three words to reflect upon this week: (from his homily for Pentecost found)

"I would like to reflect on three words linked to the working of the Holy Spirit: newness, harmony and mission." 

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