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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday after Pentecost

Come, Holy Spirit. We and our world have such need of you. "Come Spirit of Goodness, and convert us to the project of the kingdom of God begun by Jesus. Without your power to renew, no one will change our tired hearts; we will not have the courage to build a more humane world ..." The quote is again from Jose Pagola's "Following in the Footsteps of Jesus" and I think that we need the Holy Spirit to come each day into our hearts and lives to teach us to love as Jesus loves. We need to love "with the love Jesus loved" to continue to quote from Pagola. He says that without the living presence of the Holy Spirit among us, "the communion of the church will collapse, the hierarchy and the people will go on distancing themselves from one another; divisions will increase, dialogue will die out and intolerance will increase." So, he prays for the Holy Spirit to come and "reignite in our hearts and our hands the fraternal love that makes us like Jesus." The bold is mine as I think it so important!

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