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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Restful Week end

It is hard to believe but this week end is a free one. I think God gave us a great gift in making "week ends" - and today is also "World Gratitude Day" so I am thanking Him for this lovely time. As always, there is a list to do but nothing pressing. I suspect I will swim this afternoon, watch some of the Florida Gators game, go to Mass and maybe watch more college football as the Miami Hurricanes are playing and so if Florida State!
I do not watch television much at all, but I have learned to enjoy watching college football as long as I have a book in my hand to read during breaks.
I am thinking of all the people in my life that I would love to say "thank you" to today! Some have given me the gift of example; some wisdom; some concern and all of them are loving people and I am grateful for their gifts to me. I think God puts the right people into our lives just at the time we need them. I am trying to pray my gratitude today!

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