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Monday, September 30, 2013

Busy Persons' Retreat

This week I will be one of a team of seven RSCJs giving a Busy Persons' Retreat for forty-five of the faculty and staff at our school. I ask your prayers for this week which begins by leaving here at 7:00 in the morning and returning late so I will be off the blog this week. However, that is a good thing as I want all of you to go to, our Province website (there is a link on the right side of my blog) to read what will appear each day in October: a reflection on Our Lady under the title of Mater - the first days give the story of how the original Mater came to be and each day has a great reflection with a different picture of Mater. I worked on collecting and editing these reflections for each day of October and so hope you will all be reading them. I will try to be back on the blog by October 6 but know you will enjoy the entries about Mater. Mark the website as a favorite and go straight there each day. It also links you to my blog and other RSCJ blogs! or use the link - I count on your prayer for this week!

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