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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Summer Reflection

Miami has had twice as much rain as usual for June; I wish we could give some rain to California. This past week has been full of thunder storms and we have made up for a drier May with over fifteen inches of rain in Miami so far this month.

My thought is how this applies to our interior life. We all have times that we call "dry spells" - we go to pray and God seems to be absent. We just sit there. Ask any spiritual director and they will tell you how many come to find out how to end the dry spell. The truth is, we need to wait until God provides the water. Sometimes it comes as a trickle and we wait for it with thirsty desire; at other times, the water comes in abundance and overflows into all we do. We are suddenly conscious of God at every moment. Now, God was always present, even in the driest moments, but now we are aware of His loving presence in us at all times. Maybe it takes a real thunder storm to flood us with this consciousness, but we are more aware that God is always acting in us and trust His love and His power and His wisdom. I love these days of summer and I am experiencing a new hunger and thirst for the things of God.

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