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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Second Sunday of Lent

We do not use the word "transfiguration" in our usual speech, but now we do use the word "transformation" often and in many ways. We are to have transforming relationships. What does that really mean? Lent is a season where we can be transformed. How? I think prayer is one way in which we are being transformed, but Jesus was "transfigured'! He invited his special friends to climb the mountain to pray with Him. There, He was transfigured and they saw his garments become dazzling white. Then Moses and Elijah, who appeared in glory, were conversing with Jesus. In the meantime, Luke tells us that the three friends that Jesus had taken with him are overcome by sleep. However, they become fully awake and see His glory. Then, Peter, speaks without really thinking of what he was saying but a cloud came and the three become frightened. It is then that they hear a voice from the cloud say, "This is my chosen Son; listen to Him." Then they saw only Jesus.

We may not be invited to climb a mountain, but we are asked to listen to Jesus. He speaks to us in so many ways. Let us ask for the grace to listen to Him with new attentiveness during this Lent.

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