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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

God comes to us in so many ways

This picture is worth a meditation by itself. God has given us such beauty. Although I miss the autumn colors here, California is a beautiful state and I rejoice in the beauty around us.
I continue to read again the Letters and Conferences of Sister Clare Pratt who was Superior General of the Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus from 2000 - 2008 and now is our community director at Oakwood.
In Clare's letter for the Feast of the Sacred Heart in 2005, she invites us to share our stories. She says: "Let us get in touch with our own 'Eucharistic histories', share our own Eucharistic stories.... Let us begin from our experience: significant moments, ...shifts in our understanding and sacramental practice, 'where we are now'.
Some of us have walked a straight road from childhood. Others have known mountains and valleys..."
I was caught - hopefully it was an inspiration of the Holy Spirit - and decided immediately that I would try to trace my own Eucharistic history in order to both thank and ask forgiveness. I spent our day of silence listening to my memories of Eucharist from the preparation for my First Holy Communion when I was six to my love of the Eucharist today about 80 years later. I may share some of this.

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