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Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Such need of prayer

 Here is a quote I just read and liked"

 Booker T. Washington said: "A lie doesn't become truth, wrong doesn't become right and evil doesn't become good just because it's accepted by a majority.

I am praying much for the changes needed to make Jesus happy with the Catholic Church today. I think the effort everywhere for synodality can change the way clerics have not listened to the laity. I feel strongly that women have been kept from influencing the way parishes are run. How many parishes have parish councils that have an equal number of women on them? How many pastors really listen and implement what the parish council suggests? I just think we are at a turning point in the history of the church and should be praying for the success of the synod while trying to influence our local church so that we are really able to make changes. Jesus did not write canon law and I think he would be glad to have a complete revision after we listen to the entire Church. The Holy Spirit is active and we need to pray that our hierarchy are listening to the Spirit who speaks through each of us.

If this sounds crazy, know that I am late and should be somewhere else even as I write this, I am just really concerned to have us all embrace synodality and pray for the process of the worldwide synod.

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