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Sunday, May 1, 2022

Third Sunday of Easter

 I love this Gospel, the last Chapter of John's Gospel. I wonder how often Jesus had started a fire on the shore. And how had he caught the fish he had on the fire? And did His mother give Him the loaves of bread that He had ready to give His seven disciples? He knew they had toiled all night and caught nothing. They are tired, cold and hungry. Jesus calls to them. John realizes that it is Jesus on the shore and says, "It is the Lord'! Peter cannot wait and jumps into the sea and swims to greet Jesus. Jesus sends him back to help the others who are dragging the net as it is so heavy. There are 153 fish in the net and Jesus says to bring some of them to put on the fire while they eat the fish he has cooked for them. Jesus serves them. He breaks bread and gives it to them and then the fish. I am sitting there with them and listening to Jesus. Then Peter is asked three times the same question by Jesus: "Do you love me?" And Jesus asks the same question of us. May we reply as Peter did, "Lord, you know all things, you know that I love you!"

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