I was given a lovely book by John O'Donohue by a delightful friend I made in Scotland. She directs a Spirituality Center there in Perthshire and is a Religious of the Sacred Heart. I was both surprised and touched to receive this gift. The name of the book is Benedictus: A Book of Blessings (Bantam Press: 2007)
I am going to quote the page I opened to first of all and I seem to be drawn back to this page even while enjoying many others.
For Friendship
May you be blessed with good friends,
And learn to be a good friend to yourself,
Journeying to that place in your soul where
There is love, warmth and feeling.
May this change you.
May it transfigure what is negative, distant
Or cold within your heart.
May you be brought in to real passion, kindness
And belonging.
May you treasure your friends.
May you be good to them, be there for them
And receiving all the challenges, truth and light you need.
May you never be isolated by know the embrace
Of your Anam Cara.
wow ! what a blog
fantastic blog.
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