I just read this quote and must share it. The glory of God “is The fire of love dazzling in the heart of God and radiantly mirrored in all created beings. God’s glory . . lives in human beings.” Do you like it?
I have a great prayer from Hearts on Fire: Praying with the Jesuits edited by Michael Harter, S.J. and is a revised edition published by Loyola Press in 2004. This one is a gift and much appreciated as I gave my old one away years ago. I want to share a prayer by Carlo Maria Martini, S.J. (now a retired Cardinal who is still a great biblical scholar and author). As many of my International Online Certificate Program students are also making St. Ignatius' Retreat in Daily Life, this is a prayer for the beginning of a retreat.
Lord Jesus Christ, present here, we thank You for the glory of your resurrection; we thank You for having called us together here; we thank You because You praise the Father perfectly in us. We thank you because You, in us, are perfect justice toward our brothers and sisters; it is You in us who cintinually heal our injustice, our mistrust, our fear.
We thank You, Lord Jesus, for your great glory and we offer you what we are about to undertake, everything we think, do, and experience during these coming days in your honor and because of You....Grant that, weary and tired as we are, we may begin this retreat in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
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