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Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fool's Day

This bridge is the seven-mile one to Key West. I thought of it today as I am arranging to take my sister and brother-in-law to the Keys at the end of the National Conference for the Sacred Heart alumni that is being held here in Miami for the first time. They are coming as I am to receive the Woman of Conscience Award at the Liturgy on Saturday. I am also giving seminars on "The Adventures of Lucille Mathevon: An Early Companion of Philippine Duchesne." We will not have time to drive as far as Key West, but at least I can take them to a wonderful Inn in Key Largo. It is right on the gulf and is a beautiful spot. I was only there once a few years ago but have fond memories of my one night there with a cousin. It is a rustic type of place but there are hammocks under the palm trees and the place is peaceful and right on the water. I think they will love it. I hope we are going to have good weather for the next week as April began with showers. No one has tried to play and April Fool's joke on me today and I am glad because I am full of lists, mostly in my head, of the things I need to do and have not had time to do. The men are supposed to be putting back my door and the closet doors to my room - after three weeks of chaos, my room is painted and almost ready to move into except for a hole in the wall (plaster dust has seeped into everything so I wish the hole could get fixed before I clean again!). I need to move back into my room and prepare for guests who are arriving on Tuesday.
May you all have a good week end.

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