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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Books and More Books

My room is overflowing with books and my list on the right side of my blog for really good spiritual reading is growing longer. I may need to start another list sometime soon. In the meantime, I have ordered a Kindle; I have not ordered any books for it yet, but will do so after it arrives and from the free Kindle library. They have, or so I have been told, the Bible and some spiritual classics and books written before 1923; I am excited as I will be able to travel with a library.

Now, I want to talk about the three books in front of me; two of them are gifts and I am enjoying them. The other, is Pope Benedict XVI's Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection, Ignatius Press, 2011. I am finding it an excellent book and am now reading about the Last Supper. You cannot help but admire the scholarship behind the writing and I am learning much from reflecting on the different opinions and find the Holy Father is clear and very open to other opinions; he then makes his own application that is not just the fruit of a study of scripture and the writings of biblical scholars, but also the fruit of his own years of prayer and meditation. On the back cover of the book there is this quote from Benedict XVI: "Only in the second volume do we encounter the decisive sayings and events of Jesus'life...I...hope that I have been granted an insight into the figure of our Lord that can be helpful to all readers who seek to encounter Jesus and to believe in him." What I like about this book is that it not only leads me to reflection and deeper knowledge of Jesus, but invites me to stop and pray.
The other books will need to wait until later but here are their names: Life is Hard but God is Good: An Inquiry Into Suffering by Adele Gonzalez, Orbis Books, 2011 that I am thinking of suggesting for the next book for our Reflection Group, and Robert Wicks' latest book, Bounce: Living the Resilient Life. I like Wicks and he is good at showing us how to manage stress, but I have only read about a third of these books and so will not review them yet.

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